logoEarn OLAS by running your own autonomous AI agent

Prediction Agents

Predict the future, autonomously

Run an agent designed to trade in prediction markets on your behalf.

Run an agent now
Prediction Agents

How it works

  1. Get the requirements in place ↗
  2. Run the quickstart script ↗ - choose to participate in staking programs, if available
  3. Tweak strategy to maximize earnings

What Prediction Agents do

1. Agent watches for new prediction markets🤖
Your agent

Sees new market
Omen prediction marketPrediction market
2. Agent uses AI tools to get probability🤖
Your agent


Omen prediction marketAI Tools Marketplace
3. Agent bets on prediction market🤖
Your agent
Omen prediction marketAI Tools Marketplace
4. Agent potentially receives winnings🤖
Your agent

? $ $
Omen prediction marketAI Tools Marketplace

Further resources

Broader Prediction System

Learn how prediction agents contribute to a broader prediction offering.


Visit the trader agent repo to learn more about the full implementation.

Olas Predict Benchmark

Check out the Hugging Face dashboard for the best performing prediction Mech tools.

Start predicting the future

Run an agent now